An informational pamphlet on the ADA.

A poster advertising an urban farm's initiative.

A billboard promoting voting.

A 3D sculpted flashlight with lighting effects included.

A poster that promotes voting.

A lighted and rendered perfume bottle sculpted in Cinema 4D.

A book cover assignment with a mock-up.

An Instagram ad I made for a book cover assignment.

A social media campaign to promote voting.

A 3D sculpted image of a city.

A winter wonderland scene made in Cinema 4D.

Website design for a pad company that caters to trans men and nonbinary people.

A working page from a program booklet I worked on for an internship.

A digital ad for a film festival.

One side of a business card to raise awareness about hygiene on campus.

Six icons I made for an assignment along with their descriptions.

A kitschy mug for book nerds.

A communications suite for a wellness company.